Know all About Robot Framework With Python

An In-Depth Guide to Understanding Robot Framework with Python for Test Automation

Satish Prasad
19 Min Read
Know all About Robot Framework With Python


Are you curious about the world of test automation? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the exciting realm of Robot Framework with Python. This powerful combination offers a flexible and user-friendly framework for automated testing.

Whether you’re a seasoned software developer or someone new to the field, this article will equip you with the knowledge you need to harness the potential of Robot Framework with Python.

So, let’s dive right in!

What is Robot Framework? {#what-is-robot-framework}

Robot Framework is an open-source, generic test automation framework that utilizes a keyword-driven approach. It allows testers to create readable and maintainable test cases using a simple tabular syntax. Originally developed by Pekka Klรคrck in 2005, Robot Framework has gained immense popularity due to its extensibility and ease of use.

Why Choose Python for Robot Framework? {#why-choose-python}

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language widely used in various domains, including test automation. When combined with Robot Framework, Python offers several advantages.

Firstly, Python provides an extensive set of libraries and frameworks, making it easier to automate complex tasks.

Secondly, Python’s simplicity and readability align well with Robot Framework’s keyword-driven approach, resulting in more maintainable and understandable test cases.

Lastly, Python’s active community ensures regular updates, abundant resources, and excellent community support for both Robot Framework and Python itself.

Setting Up Robot Framework with Python {#setting-up-robot-framework}

Getting started with Robot Framework and Python is a breeze. Before we proceed, ensure that Python is installed on your system.

Follow these steps to set up Robot Framework:

Step 1: Install Robot Framework: Open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command: pip install robotframework.

Step 2: Install Additional Libraries: Robot Framework offers various libraries to extend its capabilities. To install these libraries, you can use the following commands:

    • For Selenium Library: pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
    • For Requests Library: pip install robotframework-requests
    • For Database Library: pip install robotframework-databaselibrary

Step 3: Install a WebDriver: If you plan to automate web testing using Robot Framework, you’ll need to install a WebDriver.

For Selenium, you can install the appropriate WebDriver for your browser, such as ChromeDriver or GeckoDriver.

Step 4: Verify Installation: To ensure that Robot Framework and its libraries are installed correctly, you can run a simple test. Create a new file with the “.robot” extension and write a basic test case.

For example:

            *** Settings ***
Library    SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser Example
    Open Browser    Chrome
    Close Browser


Save the file and execute it using the Robot Framework command: robot filename.robot. If the test runs successfully and the browser opens and closes without any errors, you have successfully set up Robot Framework with Python.

Understanding the Key Concepts {#key-concepts}

Before diving deeper into Robot Framework with Python, let’s familiarize ourselves with some key concepts:

  1. Test Case: A test case represents an individual test scenario and consists of a sequence of test steps.

  2. Test Suite: A test suite is a collection of test cases organized together for efficient execution and management.

  3. Keywords: Keywords are the building blocks of test cases. They represent reusable actions or functions that perform specific tasks.

  4. Variables: Variables store values that can be used in test cases and provide flexibility and reusability.

  5. Tags: Tags are labels assigned to test cases and test suites to categorize and organize them.

  6. Documentation: Documentation provides a description and details about test cases, test suites, and keywords, making them more understandable and maintainable.

Creating Test Cases and Test Suites {#creating-test-cases}

In Robot Framework, test cases and test suites are defined using a tabular syntax. Let’s create a simple test case to illustrate this:

            *** Test Cases ***
Login Test
    [Documentation]    This test case verifies the login functionality.
    Open Browser    ${URL}    Chrome
    Input Text    ${Username Field}    ${Username}
    Input Password    ${Password Field}    ${Password}
    Click Button    ${Login Button}
    Page Should Contain    Welcome message
    Close Browser


In the above example, we have a test case named “Login Test” that performs the steps required to test the login functionality. The keywords such as Open Browser, Input Text, Click Button, and Page Should Contain are used to interact with the application under test.

Utilizing Built-in Libraries {#utilizing-built-in-libraries}

Robot Framework provides a wide range of built-in libraries to simplify test automation. Some of the commonly used libraries are:

  1. SeleniumLibrary: This library enables interaction with web browsers and automates web testing.

  2. OperatingSystem: The OperatingSystem library allows you to execute operating system commands and handle files and directories.

  3. String: The String library provides keywords to manipulate and validate strings.

  4. Collections: The Collections library offers keywords for working with lists, dictionaries, and other collection types.

These built-in libraries provide a wide range of keywords that can be used to perform common tasks in test automation. For example, with the SeleniumLibrary, you can easily interact with web elements, click buttons, enter text, verify page content, and handle browser windows.ย 

The OperatingSystem library allows you to execute commands on the operating system, such as creating directories, copying files, and running scripts.ย 

The String library provides functions to manipulate and validate strings, making it easier to perform operations like string concatenation, splitting, and matching.

By leveraging these built-in libraries, you can enhance the functionality and efficiency of your test cases, making them more robust and comprehensive.

Extending Robot Framework with Python Libraries {#extending-with-python-libraries}

While Robot Framework offers a wide range of built-in libraries, you can also extend its capabilities by incorporating external Python libraries.

This allows you to leverage the vast ecosystem of Python and tap into specialized libraries for specific automation tasks.

To use a Python library in Robot Framework, you need to follow these steps:

To use a Python library in Robot Framework, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the Python Library: Use pip, the package manager for Python, to install the desired library. For example, if you want to use the Pandas library for data manipulation, you can run pip install pandas in the command prompt.

  2. Import the Library in Robot Framework: In your test suite or test case, use the Library setting to import the Python library. For instance, to import the Pandas library, you would add the following line:

            *** Settings ***
Library    Pandas


3. Utilize the Library’s Functions and Methods: Once the library is imported, you can directly access its functions and methods within your test cases. For example, if you imported the Pandas library, you can use its functions like read_csv(), DataFrame(), and to_excel() to perform data-related operations.

By incorporating Python libraries into Robot Framework, you can leverage specialized functionality and access advanced capabilities for data manipulation, file handling, API testing, database interactions, and much more.

Integrating Robot Framework with Selenium {#integrating-with-selenium}

One of the major advantages of Robot Framework is its seamless integration with Selenium, a popular web automation framework. Selenium provides robust support for automating web browsers and enables the creation of powerful and reliable web tests.

To integrate Robot Framework with Selenium, you need to:

  1. Install SeleniumLibrary: SeleniumLibrary is a Robot Framework library that provides keywords for interacting with web browsers using Selenium. Install it using the command pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary.

  2. Set Up WebDriver: Selenium requires a WebDriver to interact with different browsers. Install the appropriate WebDriver for your chosen browser, such as ChromeDriver for Google Chrome or GeckoDriver for Mozilla Firefox. Make sure the WebDriver executable is in your system’s PATH or specify its path in the test case.

  3. Import SeleniumLibrary: In your test suite or test case settings, import the SeleniumLibrary using the Library setting:

  4. Use Selenium Keywords: Once SeleniumLibrary is imported, you can use its keywords to perform various web automation tasks. Examples of Selenium keywords include Open Browser, Click Element, Input Text, Wait Until Element Is Visible, and many more.

With the seamless integration of Robot Framework and Selenium, you can automate web testing with ease and efficiency.

Selenium’s rich set of functionalities, combined with the Robot Framework,

Here’s an example of a test case that utilizes SeleniumLibrary to automate web testing:

            *** Settings ***
Library    SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Web Test Example
    Open Browser    Chrome
    Input Text    id=username    exampleuser
    Input Password    id=password    examplepassword
    Click Button    css=button[type="submit"]
    Page Should Contain    Welcome, exampleuser!
    Close Browser


In the above example, we use SeleniumLibrary’s keywords to interact with the web elements of the page. We open the browser, input text into username and password fields, click the submit button, verify the presence of a welcome message, and finally close the browser.

Data-Driven Testing with Robot Framework {#data-driven-testing}

Robot Framework provides excellent support for data-driven testing, where test cases are executed with different sets of data. This approach allows for extensive test coverage without duplicating test cases.

To perform data-driven testing in Robot Framework, you can use the DataDriver library or the ExcelLibrary. These libraries enable you to read data from external files, such as CSV or Excel, and iterate over the data sets to execute test cases multiple times.

Here’s an example of a data-driven test case using the DataDriver library:

            *** Settings ***
Library    SeleniumLibrary
Library    DataDriver    file=data.csv    delimiter=,

*** Test Cases ***
Data-Driven Test
    [Template]    Login Test
    [Tags]    DataDriven

*** Keywords ***
Login Test
    [Arguments]    ${username}    ${password}
    Open Browser    Chrome
    Input Text    id=username    ${username}
    Input Password    id=password    ${password}
    Click Button    css=button[type="submit"]
    Page Should Contain    Welcome, ${username}!
    Close Browser


In this example, we use the DataDriver library to read test data from a CSV file (data.csv) with a comma delimiter. The test case is defined as a template using [Template], and the test steps are executed for each row of data in the file.

During test execution, it is essential to handle exceptions gracefully and generate comprehensive test reports for analysis. Robot Framework provides built-in mechanisms to handle exceptions and generate detailed reports.

By leveraging data-driven testing, you can easily execute your test cases with different inputs, making your testing process more versatile and thorough.

Parallel Test Execution {#parallel-execution}

As your test suite grows, executing test cases sequentially may become time-consuming. Robot Framework offers parallel test execution, allowing you to execute multiple test cases concurrently and reduce the overall execution time.

To enable parallel test execution, you can use the pabot tool, which comes bundled with Robot Framework. pabot splits the test suite into sub-suites and runs them in parallel.

To execute tests in parallel, follow these steps:

  1. Install pabot: Install pabot by running the command pip install robotframework-pabot.

  2. Execute Tests with pabot: Instead of using the robot command, use the pabot command to execute your test suite. For example: pabot testsuite.robot.

By harnessing the power of parallel test execution, you can significantly reduce the execution time of your test suite and improve the efficiency of your test automation process.

Exception Handling: Robot Framework allows you to handle exceptions using the built-in Run Keyword And Continue On Failure or Run Keyword And Ignore Error keywords. These keywords allow you to execute a specific keyword or test step and continue the test execution even if it fails. This can be useful when you want to execute a cleanup keyword regardless of the outcome of previous steps.

            *** Test Cases ***
Exception Handling Test
    Open Browser    Chrome
    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Input Text    id=nonexistent    Test Data
    Capture Page Screenshot
    Close Browser


In the above example, if the Input Text keyword fails due to a non-existent element, the test execution continues with the Capture Page Screenshot keyword. This ensures that the test continues to execute without terminating abruptly.

Reporting: Robot Framework generates detailed reports automatically, providing valuable insights into the test execution. By default, Robot Framework generates an HTML report, but you can also generate reports in other formats, such as XML and JSON.

To generate an HTML report, use the --output option followed by the desired output file name when executing the test suite:

robot --output report.html testsuite.robot

The generated report includes information about the executed test cases, their statuses (pass/fail), execution time, and any log messages or screenshots captured during the test execution.

Additionally, Robot Framework supports the generation of log files and outputs that contain detailed information about the test execution process, including log messages, debug information, and variable values.

You can generate these files using the --log and --output options:

robot --output output.xml --log log.html testsuite.robot

The generated log and output files provide comprehensive information for debugging and analysis purposes.

With proper exception handling and comprehensive reporting, Robot Framework enables effective test execution and provides valuable insights for test analysis and debugging.

A: Yes, Robot Framework supports API testing. You can utilize the built-in RequestsLibrary or integrate other Python libraries, such as requests, to interact with APIs and perform various API testing tasks.

A: Yes, Robot Framework supports cross-browser testing. By utilizing SeleniumLibrary and installing the appropriate WebDriver for each browser, you can execute your tests on different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more.

A: Yes, Robot Framework allows you to generate custom reports by leveraging the generated log and output files. You can parse and process these files programmatically to generate reports tailored to your specific needs.

A: Yes, Robot Framework integrates seamlessly with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, and GitLab CI/CD. You can configure your CI/CD pipeline to execute Robot Framework tests as part of the automated testing process.

  1. ย 

A: Yes, Robot Framework allows you to create custom libraries in Python. You



In conclusion, Robot Framework with Python is a powerful and flexible test automation framework that offers a wide range of features and integrations. It provides a simple and readable syntax for creating test cases and supports various built-in libraries for different automation tasks.

By leveraging the built-in and external libraries, such as SeleniumLibrary, Collections, and DataDriver, you can enhance the capabilities of Robot Framework and create comprehensive and efficient test suites.

The seamless integration with Selenium allows you to automate web testing with ease, while the support for data-driven testing enables you to execute test cases with different sets of data.

With features like parallel test execution, exception handling, and comprehensive reporting, Robot Framework empowers you to streamline your test automation process and generate insightful reports for analysis.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced automation engineer, Robot Framework with Python provides a user-friendly and powerful platform to achieve your test automation goals.

So, dive into the world of Robot Framework with Python and unlock the potential of efficient and robust test automation!

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Hey there, I'm Satish Prasad, and I've got a Master's Degree (MCA) from NIT Kurukshetra. With over 12 years in the game, I've been diving deep into Data Analytics, Delaware House, ETL, Production Support, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Intelligent Automation. I've hopped around various IT firms, hustling in functions like Investment Banking, Mutual Funds, Logistics, Travel, and Tourism. My jam? Building over 100 Production Bots to amp up efficiency. Let's connect! Join me in exploring the exciting realms of Data Analytics, RPA, and Intelligent Automation. It's been a wild ride, and I'm here to share insights, stories, and tech vibes that'll keep you in the loop. Catch you on the flip side
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