Solving the RPA Challenge is one of the best ways to prepare for RPA interviews.

With the motto to help you to prepare for the interview. We have built this RPA Challenge series for RPA developers to practice by trying to build automation according to provided specifications. 

We have also provided links for solved example so that you can learn while you practice.

Give a try & do let us know in case any issues.

RPA challenges can be solved in any RPA tools of your choice. 

Problem Statement : Create Support Ticket & Push Telegram Message

The goal of this challenge is to make use of email & rest API inside your workflow. After completing this challenge, you will be able to work with different email activities & basic API Automation


  • Your workflow should read an incoming email with subject line contains “Support Required- XXXXX”, and capture sender name, sender email & mail Body.
  • With captured details from email, your workflow should create a support ticket using below the navigation
    1. Login into
    2. Navigate to Support System -> Add New Ticket
  • Now once Ticket has been created your robot need to send details on Telegram Channel so that support team members get a notification using the API Call. (You can create new telegram bot, or you can use the rpabotsworld_bot HTTP API token which is given as example below.)
  • Telegram API sendMessage method needs to be used to send details on the channel. This will require three input – token, chatid(channelname), message
  • Once work is done, your workflow should move the email into a different folder (Done) so that next time it does not pick the same email.

Hint: Solve the challenge using below concepts !


You need to use Telegram API to post on the channel.


Use Datatables Or Collection to perform data handling.


You need to use Mail Activity to get source data by reading mail.


Excel to report result back with success or Failure Status.


You need to use WebAPI for posting on Telegram

Information on creating a new telegram bot

You can follow below steps to get new bot created at telegram.

  1. Use the /newbot command to create a new bot. The BotFather will ask you for a name and username, then generate an authorization token for your new bot.
  2. The Username is a short name, to be used in mentions and links. Usernames are 5-32 characters long and are case insensitive, but may only include Latin characters, numbers, and underscores. Your bot’s username must end in ‘bot’, e.g. ‘tetris_bot’ or ‘TetrisBot’.
  3. You will get a reply like “Done! Congratulations on your new bot”. You will find it at
  4. The token is a string along the lines of 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw that is required to authorize the bot and send requests to the Bot API. Keep your token secure and store it safely, it can be used by anyone to control your bot.
  5. In case you face a challenge in creating your token, you can use rpabotsworld_bot token to access the HTTP API: 1293816288:AAGFDUqMh-l6ObC1A4IFG2Nf1tVYH7Qaplw
  6. All queries to the Telegram Bot API must be served over HTTPS and need to be presented in this form: Like this for example:

For a description of the Bot API, see this page:

Solved Example and Test Data